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new Vue({ el:'#app', data(){ return { menuData:[ { x:0,y:0,path:'',name:'A系统',img:'',children:[ { x:0,y:0, path:'',name:'B系统',img:'',children:[ { x:0,y:0,path:'',name:'E系统',img:'',children:[] }, { x:0,y:0,path:'',name:'A系统',img:'',children:[] }, ] }, { x:0,y:0,path:'',name:'C系统',img:'',children:[] }, { x:0,y:0,path:'',name:'D系统',img:'',children:[] }, ] }, { x:0,y:0, path:'',name:'B系统',img:'../img/navigation/火车站.png-600',children:[] }, { x:0,y:0,path:'',name:'C系统',img:'',children:[] }, { x:0,y:0,path:'',name:'D系统',img:'',children:[] }, { x:0,y:0,path:'',name:'E系统',img:'',children:[] }, { x:0,y:0,path:'',name:'A系统',img:'',children:[] }, { x:0,y:0, path:'',name:'B系统',img:'',children:[] }, { x:0,y:0,path:'',name:'C系统',img:'',children:[] }, { x:0,y:0,path:'',name:'D系统',img:'',children:[] }, { x:0,y:0,path:'',name:'E系统',img:'',children:[] }, { x:0,y:0,path:'',name:'A系统',img:'',children:[] }, { x:0,y:0, path:'',name:'B系统',img:'',children:[] }, { x:0,y:0,path:'',name:'C系统',img:'',children:[] }, { x:0,y:0,path:'',name:'D系统',img:'',children:[] }, ], tempData:[], colors:[ '#1874CD', '#3CB371', '#FF7F50', '#CD1076', '#CD00CD', '#1C86EE', '#00FF7F', '#FF8C00', '#EE1289', '#EE00EE', '#1E90FF', '#00FF00', '#FFA500', '#FF1493', '#FF00FF', ] } }, watch:{ menuData(){ this.initCoor() } }, mounted(){ let _this = this this.getUser() // this.getMenuData() this.tempData = this.menuData this.initCoor() this.timer = setInterval(function(){ _this.localDate = _this.dateFormat(new Date(),'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') },1000) }, destroyed(){ clearInterval(this.timer) }, methods:{ menuEnter(item){ if('上一层') return this.msgData = item this.msgShow = true }, menuLeave(item){ this.msgShow = false }, showTime(item){ if('上一层') return '0s' return Math.random()+'s' }, menuClick(item,parant){ let  arr =[] if('上一层'){ this.changeMenu(item.children) }else if(item.children.length>0){ arr.push({x:0,y:0,path:'',name:'上一层',imgPath:'../img/navigation/icon-返回上一级.png-600',children:parant}) item.children.forEach(t=>{ arr.push(t) }) this.changeMenu(arr) }else{ window.location.href = item.path } }, changeMenu(data){ let _this = this this.tempData = [] setTimeout(function(){ _this.tempData = data _this.initCoor() },10) }, initCoor(){ this.tempData.forEach((t,index)=>{ t.color = this.colors[index] t.showTime = this.showTime(t) if(!t.children){ t.children = [] } if(index<5){ t.y=0 t.x=index*0.86 if(index%2!==0){ t.y += 0.5 // t.x = (index-1)+0.8 } }else if(index>4&&index<10){ t.y=1 t.x=(index-5)*0.86 if(index%2===0){ t.y +=  0.5 // t.x = (index-1)+0.8 } }else if(index>9&&index<15){ t.y=2 t.x=(index-10)*0.86 if(index%2!==0){ t.y += 0.5 // t.x = (index-1)+0.8 } } }) }, } })



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