unity 如何获取Text组件里text内容的长度

这篇文章主要介绍了unity 获取Text组件里text内容的长度操作,具有很好的参考价值,希望对大家有所帮助。一起跟随小编过来看看吧


 ///  /// 计算字符串在指定text控件中的长度 ///  ///  ///  int CalculateLengthOfText(string message,Text tex) { int totalLength = 0; Font myFont = tex.font;  //chatText is my Text component myFont.RequestCharactersInTexture(message, tex.fontSize, tex.fontStyle); CharacterInfo characterInfo = new CharacterInfo(); char[] arr = message.ToCharArray(); foreach (char c in arr) { myFont.GetCharacterInfo(c, out characterInfo, tex.fontSize); totalLength += characterInfo.advance; } return totalLength; }


Text Asset 文本资源

Text Assets are a format for imported text files. When you drop a text file into your Project Folder, it will be converted to a Text Asset. The supported text formats are:


.txt .html .htm .xml .bytes

Properties 属性


The full text of the asset as a single string.






 private TextAsset objectsInfoListText; // 新建TextAsset变量 private Dictionary objectInfoDict = new Dictionary(); void Awake() { objectsInfoListText = Resources.Load("ObjectsInfoList") as TextAsset; // 从Resouces的path中读取到文件 ReadInfo(); } void ReadInfo() { string text = objectsInfoListText.text;  // 将文本内容作为字符串读取 string[] objInfoArray = text.Split('\n'); // 以\n为分割符将文本分割为一个数组 foreach (string str in objInfoArray)  // 遍历每一行并将每一个药品的值放入类对象中,并存入字典 { ObjectInfo info = new ObjectInfo(); string[] propertyArray = str.Split(','); int id = int.Parse(propertyArray[0]); string name = propertyArray[1]; string icon_name = propertyArray[2]; string str_type = propertyArray[3]; ObjectType type = ObjectType.Drug; switch (str_type) { case "Equip": type = ObjectType.Equip; break; case "Mat": type = ObjectType.Mat; break; case "Drug": type = ObjectType.Drug; break; } info.id = id; info.name = name; info.icon_name = icon_name; info.type = type; if (type == ObjectType.Drug) { int hp = int.Parse(propertyArray[4]); int mp = int.Parse(propertyArray[5]); int price_sell = int.Parse(propertyArray[6]); int price_buy = int.Parse(propertyArray[7]); info.hp = hp; info.mp = mp; info.price_sell = price_sell; info.price_buy = price_buy; } // 将物品信息存储到字典中 objectInfoDict.Add(id, info); } } public enum ObjectType { Drug, Equip, Mat, }; public class ObjectInfo { public int id; public string name; public string icon_name; public ObjectType type; public int hp; public int mp; public int price_sell; public int price_buy; }

以上就是unity 如何获取Text组件里text内容的长度的详细内容,更多请关注0133技术站其它相关文章!

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