


详细内容大概分为4个部分,1.应用场景 2.遇到问题 3.设计 4.实现 5.运行效果




  • 如果启动一个定时器去定时轮询
  • (1)轮询效率比较低
  • (2)每次扫库,已经被执行过记录,仍然会被扫描(只是不会出现在结果集中),会做重复工作
  • (3)时效性不够好,如果每小时轮询一次,最差的情况下会有时间误差
  • 如何利用“延时消息”,对于每个任务只触发一次,保证效率的同时保证实时性,是今天要讨论的问题。



  1. 环形队列,例如可以创建一个包含3600个slot的环形队列(本质是个数组)
  2. 任务集合,环上每一个slot是一个Set

同时,启动一个timer,这个timer每隔1s,在上述环形队列中移动一格,有一个Current Index指针来标识正在检测的slot。


  1. Cycle-Num:当Current Index第几圈扫描到这个Slot时,执行任务
  2. Task-Function:需要执行的任务指针

假设当前Current Index指向第一格,当有延时消息到达之后,例如希望3610秒之后,触发一个延时消息任务,只需:

  1. 计算这个Task应该放在哪一个slot,现在指向1,3610秒之后,应该是第11格,所以这个Task应该放在第11个slot的Set中
  2. 计算这个Task的Cycle-Num,由于环形队列是3600格(每秒移动一格,正好1小时),这个任务是3610秒后执行,所以应该绕3610/3600=1圈之后再执行,于是Cycle-Num=1

Current Index不停的移动,每秒移动到一个新slot,这个slot中对应的Set,每个Task看Cycle-Num是不是0:

  1. 如果不是0,说明还需要多移动几圈,将Cycle-Num减1
  2. 如果是0,说明马上要执行这个Task了,取出Task-Funciton执行(可以用单独的线程来执行Task),并把这个Task从Set中删除


  1. 无需再轮询全部订单,效率高
  2. 一个订单,任务只执行一次
  3. 时效性好,精确到秒(控制timer移动频率可以控制精度)



Interfaces , 这层里主要约束延迟消息队列的队列和消息任务行。

 public interface IRingQueue { ///  /// Add tasks [add tasks will automatically generate: task Id, task slot location, number of task cycles] ///  /// The specified task is executed after N seconds. /// Definitions of callback void Add(long delayTime,Action action); ///  /// Add tasks [add tasks will automatically generate: task Id, task slot location, number of task cycles] ///  /// The specified task is executed after N seconds. /// Definitions of callback. /// Parameters used in the callback function. void Add(long delayTime, Action action, T data); ///  /// Add tasks [add tasks will automatically generate: task Id, task slot location, number of task cycles] ///  ///  /// Definitions of callback /// Parameters used in the callback function. /// Task ID, used when deleting tasks. void Add(long delayTime, Action action, T data, long id); ///  /// Remove tasks [need to know: where the task is, which specific task]. ///  /// Task slot location /// Task ID, used when deleting tasks. void Remove(long id); ///  /// Launch queue. ///  void Start(); } public interface ITask { }


 using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DelayMessageApp.Interfaces; namespace DelayMessageApp.Achieves.Base { public abstract class BaseQueue : IRingQueue { private long _pointer = 0L; private ConcurrentBag>[] _arraySlot; private int ArrayMax; ///  /// Ring queue. ///  public ConcurrentBag>[] ArraySlot { get { return _arraySlot ?? (_arraySlot = new ConcurrentBag>[ArrayMax]); } } public BaseQueue(int arrayMax) { if (arrayMax <60 && arraymax % 60 0) throw new exception("ring queue length cannot be less than and is a multiple of ."); arraymax; } public void add(long delaytime, action action) { Add(delayTime, action, default(T)); } public void Add(long delayTime,Action action,T data) { Add(delayTime, action, data,0); } public void Add(long delayTime, Action action, T data,long id) { NextSlot(delayTime, out long cycle, out long pointer); ArraySlot[pointer] =  ArraySlot[pointer] ?? (ArraySlot[pointer] = new ConcurrentBag>()); var baseTask = new BaseTask(cycle, action, data,id); ArraySlot[pointer].Add(baseTask); } ///  /// Remove tasks based on ID. ///  ///  public void Remove(long id) { try { Parallel.ForEach(ArraySlot, (ConcurrentBag> collection, ParallelLoopState state) => { var resulTask = collection.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id); if (resulTask != null) { collection.TryTake(out resulTask); state.Break(); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } public void Start() { while (true) { RightMovePointer(); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString()); } } ///  /// Calculate the information of the next slot. ///  /// Delayed execution time. /// Number of turns. /// Task location. private void NextSlot(long delayTime, out long cycle,out long index) { try { var circle = delayTime / ArrayMax; var second = delayTime % ArrayMax; var current_pointer = GetPointer(); var queue_index = 0L; if (delayTime - ArrayMax > ArrayMax) { circle = 1; } else if (second > ArrayMax) { circle += 1; } if (delayTime - circle * ArrayMax = ArrayMax) { cycle = (int)((current_pointer + delayTime) / ArrayMax); if (current_pointer + second - ArrayMax <0) { queue_index = current_pointer + second; } else if (current_pointer + second - ArrayMax > 0) { queue_index = current_pointer + second - ArrayMax; } } else { cycle = 0; queue_index = current_pointer + second; } index = queue_index; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } } ///  /// Get the current location of the pointer. ///  ///  private long GetPointer() { return Interlocked.Read(ref _pointer); } ///  /// Reset pointer position. ///  private void ReSetPointer() { Interlocked.Exchange(ref _pointer, 0); } ///  /// Pointer moves clockwise. ///  private void RightMovePointer() { try { if (GetPointer() >= ArrayMax - 1) { ReSetPointer(); } else { Interlocked.Increment(ref _pointer); } var pointer = GetPointer(); var taskCollection = ArraySlot[pointer]; if (taskCollection == null || taskCollection.Count == 0) return; Parallel.ForEach(taskCollection, (BaseTask task) => { if (task.Cycle > 0) { task.SubCycleNumber(); } if (task.Cycle <= 0) { taskCollection.TryTake(out task); task.TaskAction(task.Data); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } } } } using System; using System.Threading; using DelayMessageApp.Interfaces; namespace DelayMessageApp.Achieves.Base { public class BaseTask : ITask { private long _cycle; private long _id; private T _data; public Action TaskAction { get; set; } public long Cycle { get { return Interlocked.Read(ref _cycle); } set { Interlocked.Exchange(ref _cycle, value); } } public long Id { get { return _id; } set { _id = value; } } public T Data { get { return _data; } set { _data = value; } } public BaseTask(long cycle, Action action, T data,long id) { Cycle = cycle; TaskAction = action; Data = data; Id = id; } public BaseTask(long cycle, Action action,T data) { Cycle = cycle; TaskAction = action; Data = data; } public BaseTask(long cycle, Action action) { Cycle = cycle; TaskAction = action; } public void SubCycleNumber() { Interlocked.Decrement(ref _cycle); } } }


 public static void Start() { //1.Initialize queues of different granularity. IRingQueue minuteRingQueue = new MinuteQueue(); //2.Open thread. var lstTasks = new List { Task.Factory.StartNew(minuteRingQueue.Start) }; //3.Add tasks performed in different periods. minuteRingQueue.Add(5, new Action((NewsModel newsObj) => { Console.WriteLine(newsObj.News); }), new NewsModel() { News = "Trump's visit to China!" }); minuteRingQueue.Add(10, new Action((NewsModel newsObj) => { Console.WriteLine(newsObj.News); }), new NewsModel() { News = "Putin Pu's visit to China!" }); minuteRingQueue.Add(60, new Action((NewsModel newsObj) => { Console.WriteLine(newsObj.News); }), new NewsModel() { News = "Eisenhower's visit to China!" }); minuteRingQueue.Add(120, new Action((NewsModel newsObj) => { Console.WriteLine(newsObj.News); }), new NewsModel() { News = "Xi Jinping's visit to the US!" }); //3.Waiting for all tasks to complete is usually not completed. Because there is an infinite loop. //F5 Run the program and see the effect. Task.WaitAll(lstTasks.ToArray()); Console.Read(); }




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