网络防火墙 ZoneAlarm 7.0.337.000 Pro 附注册器下载

ZoneAlarm 专业的网络防火墙,使用很简单,你只要在安装时填入你的资料,安装完后重新开机,ZoneAlarm 就会自动启动,帮你执行任务.你可以自由设置所有程序是否允许连接Internet,利用此种方法来防治一些来路不明的软件偷偷上网.最好的方法是锁住(Lock)网络不让任何程序通过,只有你核准的软件才可以通行无阻.你还可利用它来看看你开机后已经使用多少网络资源,也可以设定锁定网络的时间,这么好用的软件你一定要亲自使用才能感觉到它的威力.

New and improved ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite version 7.0.337.000 :

New Anti-spam version with enhanced image spam detection capabilities
Antivirus updates that were failing with some proxy settings have been restored
Antivirus licensing that allowed some customers' antivirus to stop functioning has been fixed
Other enhancements to optimize antivirus scanning, treatment and updating
Fixed Microsoft Security Center notifications not being updated correctly
Fixed issue where expert rules disappeared after a restart
Added install gates for AV SKU's to prevent BSOD for users that have not upgraded their Spydoctor and System Mechanic's builds to the latest one that fixed the problem
A change was made to allow per application expert rules
Removed Google Desktop installation warning
Fixed issue with the parental control blocked page images not being displayed
Some rare reports of crashing have been isolated and addressed
Yahoo IM8 audio issue fixed
Formatting and translation improvements on non-English products
Program learning mode duration set to 21 days by default
Various other fixes

 View: 官方页面
 ZoneAlarm 7.0.337.000 Free    39.0MB
 ZoneAlarm 7.0.337.000 Pro    14.7MB
 ZoneAlarm with Antivirus 7.0.337.000    26.1MB
 ZoneAlarm Security Suite 7.0.337.000    38.5MB
 Zone Labs IMsecure Pro 7.0.337.000    3.5MB
 ZoneAlarm AntiSpyware 7.0.337.000    14.3MB

 Download: 注册工具

以上就是网络防火墙 ZoneAlarm 7.0.337.000 Pro 附注册器下载的详细内容,更多请关注0133技术站其它相关文章!

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