Java 位图法排序的使用方法

本篇文章,小编将为大家介绍关于Java 位图法排序的使用方法,有需要的朋友可以参考一下

java JDK里面容器类的排序算法使用的主要是插入排序和归并排序,可能不同版本的实现有所不同,关键代码如下:

复制代码 代码如下:

     * Performs a sort on the section of the array between the given indices
     * using a mergesort with exponential search algorithm (in which the merge
     * is performed by exponential search). n*log(n) performance is guaranteed
     * and in the average case it will be faster then any mergesort in which the
     * merge is performed by linear search.
     * @param in -
     *            the array for sorting.
     * @param out -
     *            the result, sorted array.
     * @param start
     *            the start index
     * @param end
     *            the end index + 1
    private static void mergeSort(Object[] in, Object[] out, int start,
            int end) {
        int len = end - start;
        // use insertion sort for small arrays
        if (len <= SIMPLE_LENGTH) {
            for (int i = start + 1; i                 Comparable current = (Comparable) out[i];
                Object prev = out[i - 1];
                if (current.compareTo(prev) <0) {
                    int j = i;
                    do {
                        out[j--] = prev;
                    } while (j > start
                            && current.compareTo(prev = out[j - 1]) <0);
                    out[j] = current;
        int med = (end + start) >>> 1;
        mergeSort(out, in, start, med);
        mergeSort(out, in, med, end);

        // merging

        // if arrays are already sorted - no merge
        if (((Comparable) in[med - 1]).compareTo(in[med]) <= 0) {
            System.arraycopy(in, start, out, start, len);
        int r = med, i = start;

        // use merging with exponential search
        do {
            Comparable fromVal = (Comparable) in[start];
            Comparable rVal = (Comparable) in[r];
            if (fromVal.compareTo(rVal) <= 0) {
                int l_1 = find(in, rVal, -1, start + 1, med - 1);
                int toCopy = l_1 - start + 1;
                System.arraycopy(in, start, out, i, toCopy);
                i += toCopy;
                out[i++] = rVal;
                start = l_1 + 1;
            } else {
                int r_1 = find(in, fromVal, 0, r + 1, end - 1);
                int toCopy = r_1 - r + 1;
                System.arraycopy(in, r, out, i, toCopy);
                i += toCopy;
                out[i++] = fromVal;
                r = r_1 + 1;
        } while ((end - r) > 0 && (med - start) > 0);

        // copy rest of array
        if ((end - r) <= 0) {
            System.arraycopy(in, start, out, i, med - start);
        } else {
            System.arraycopy(in, r, out, i, end - r);

以上就是Java 位图法排序的使用方法的详细内容,更多请关注0133技术站其它相关文章!

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